Kirjallisuutta suomeksi 
Kirjallisuutta englanniksi 
- Fundamental works
- Academic Literature
- Introductions to anthroposophic medicine
- Textbooks
- Anthroposophical pharmacy and the use of substances
- Art therapies and eurythmy therapy
- External treatments and massage
- The anthroposophical approach to the treatment of cancer
- Educational and social therapy
- Education and practical advices
- Basic textbook and lectures by Rudolf Steiner regarding anthroposophical medicine
Kirjallisuutta saksaksi 
- Rudolf Steiner/Ita Wegman: Grundlegendes für eine Erweiterung der Heilkunst nach geisteswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. GA 27, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach 1992. In English: "Extending Practical Medicine. - Fundamental Principles based on the Science of the Spirit". (Trans: A.R. Meuss). Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB, 1996, 144 pp.
- Rudolf Steiner: Die Philosophie der Freiheit. (1894), Dornach 1995. In English: Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path. A Philosophy of Freedom. Anthroposophic Press Hudson N.Y. USA 1995
- Rudolf Steiner: The Foundations of Human Experience, Anthroposophic Press USA, 1996
- M. Evans & I. Rodger: Anthroposophical Medicine. Healing for Body, Soul and Spirit. Floris Books, Edinburgh Great Britain 2000
- F. Husemann/O. Wolff: The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine, Vol. 1, 2, 3 Anthroposophic Press, Hudson NY, USA 1982/1987/2003
- Michaela Glöckler:The Guide to Child Health. Floris Books, Edinburgh 2003
- Michaela Glöckler: A Healing Education. How Can Waldorf Education Meet the Needs of Children? Rudolf Steiner College Press, Fair Oaks, USA 2000
- M. Glöckler/M. Debus/R. Heine: Ethical Considerations in Medicine, Persephone, Reports from the Goetheanum, Dornach 2003
- Albonico H.U, Bräker H, Hüsler J: Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer and matched controls. Med. Hypotheses 1996;51:315-20
- Alm J.S., Swartz J. et al.: Atopy in children of families with an anthroposophic lifestyle. Lancet 1999;353:1485-88
- Baumgartner S, Heusser P, Thurneysen A: Methodological Standards and Problems in Preclinical Homoeopathic Potency Research. Forsch Komplementärmedizin 1998;5:27-32
- Bettermann H, von Bonin D, Frühwirth M, Cysarz D, Moser M: Effects of Speech therapy with poetry on heart rate rhythmicity and cardiorespiratory coordination. International Journal of Cardiology 2002;84:77-88
- Büssing A (Ed.): Mistletoe. The Genus Viscum. Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam 2000
- Ritchie J/Wilkinson J/Gantley M/Feder G/Carter Y/Formby J:
A Model of Integrated Primary Care: Anthroposophic Medicine. Queen Mary University of London, 2001 - Wickens K., Pearce N. et al.: Antibiotic use in early childhood and the development of asthma. Allergy 1999;29:766-77
Introductions to anthroposophic medicine
- Bott Victor: Anthroposophical Medicine: An Extension of the Art of Healing. An introduction into anthroposophical medicine with practical advice.Rudolf Steiner Press, London 1982, 211 pp.
- Bühler Walther: Living with Your Body. The Body as an Instrument of the Soul. (Trans: J. Collis). A good introduction to the threefold nature of the human organism. There are chapters on the heart, metabolism and the will, and the sensory-nervous system.Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB, 116 pp.
- Evans Michael, Rodger Iain: Anthroposophical Medicine, Healing for Body, Soul and Spirit. An introduction to the scope and potential of anthroposophical teaching in medicine.Thorsons/Harper Collins GB, 1992, 192 pp.
- Wolff Otto: Anthroposophic Medicine and its Remedies. This booklet offers a clear introduction to anthroposophical medicine in response to commonly asked questions on the subject. It includes a basic discussion of illness and healing. an historical view of remedies, and a description of the new anthroposophical methods of preparing remedies. Mercury Press. Spring Valley, NY, USA, 78 pp.
- Goebel Wotfgang, Glöckler Michaela: A Guide to Child Health. A medical and educational handbook containing a wide spectrum of insight and practical advice. Anthroposophic Press, Hudson NY, USA and Floris Books GB, 416 pp
- Husemann Friedrich, Wolff Otto et al.: The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine. Vol. 1 (Tans: P. Luborsky). A comprehensive textbook (Part 1: general aspects). Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 1982.414 pp.
- Husemann Friedrich, Wolff Otto et al.: The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine. Vol. 2 (Trans: P. Luborsky). A comprehensive textbook. (Part 2: clinical aspects). Anthroposphic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 1987, 460 pp.
- Husemann Armin: The Harmony of the Human Body. Musical Principles in Human Physiology.Floris Books, Edinburgh, GB, 1994, 224 pp
- Marti Ernst: The Four Ethers.´Rudolf Steiner Press, GB, 1984.
- Treichler Rudolf: Soulways. Comprehensive insight in biography, disorders of soullife and new approaches to therapy. Hawthorne Press, Stroud Glos. GB, 320 pp.
- Wolff Otto: Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine. For the advanced study of anthroposophic medicine. Anthroposophic Press Hudson NY, USA, Vol.1: 414 pp, Vol.II: 425 p p.
Anthroposophical pharmacy and the use of substances
- Hauschka Rudolf: Nutrition. A comprehensive view. Rudolf Steiner Press, Bristol, GB, 212 pp.
- Hauschka Rudolf: The Nature of Substance. (Trans: M. Spock and M Richards). The autor's many years of research provide anew persepctive on the nature of,matter and suggest a new orientation of sciences. In Hauschka´s presentation both cosmic and terrestrial spheres are considers in a study of the basic chemical elements and minerals. Rudolf Steiner Press, Bristol, GB, 233 pp.
- Pelikan Wilhelm: The Secrets of Metals. Anthroposophic Press 1973.
- Pelikan Wilhem: Healing Plants – Insights Through Spiritual Science. Mercury Press 1997.
- Wolff Otto: Home Remedies. Herbal and Homeopathic Treatment for use at Home. Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 96 pp, also Floris Press, GB, 1991.
- Wolff Otto: Remedies for the Typical Diseases. This booklet is concerned with the new remedies developed by R. Steiner using new ways of thinking about remedies and new methods of preparing them. Dr. Wolff discusses questions of remedies and typical diseases here. Then he presents insightful views on the various "Dorons", among them Cardiodoron. Mercury Press, Spring Vailley, NY, USA, 56 pp.
Art therapies and eurythmy therapy
- Collot d'Herbois Liane: Light, Darkness and Color in Painting Therapy. The creative forces of light and darkness. About the training of the painting therapist. Curative painting. The colors and their various aspects. Goetheanum Press. 1993, 258 pp.
- Hauschka-Stavenhagen Margarethe: Fundamentals of Artistic Therapy; Based on Spiritual Science. (Translated by Vera Taberner). Written by a physician and early pioneer of an artistic therapy inspired by anthroposophy, these fundamental articles first appeared in the journal "Natura' in the 40's. The topica include: Plant colors and their use, elements of artist therapy; awakening atistic soul forces through therapy and more. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 1997, 94 pp
- Kirchner-Bockholt Margarete: Fundamental Principles of Curative Eurythmy. A comprehensive Handbook. Temple Lodge Press, London, GB, 192 pp.
- Lorenz-Porschman Agathe: Breath, Speech, and Therapy. Speech, used knowledgeably, can bring psychological and therapeutic benefits, according to
- Rudolf Steiner's indications. Anthroposophical Speech therapy entails breathing techniques more suited to our time in evolution than the manipulation of breath known and practiced by ancient and modem yogis. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 17 pp.
- Mees-Christeller Eva: The Practice of Artists Therapy. An introduction to the theory and practice of an anthroposophically oriented therapy. The book includes several case studies. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 78 pp.
- Stebbing Lionell: Music Therapy. A treasure chest of information and insights into the healing effects of music. With chapters on music therapy for specific illnesses, in education, for people with special needs, on eurythmy and on Steiner's indications as presented in anthroposophy. New Knowledge, GB, 1975, 96 pp.
External treatments and massage
- Hauschka-Stavenhagen Margarethe: Rhythmical Massage as indicated by Dr. Ita Wegman. Essential textbook for those with anatomical, physiological, and medical knowledge who are active in medical massage and who would like to learn this powerful mode of therapy. The practical content is introduced by an exposition of the anthroposophical knowledge of man which will be of interest to a lay reader. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA 138 pp.
- Junge Werner: The Oil Dispersion Bath. This booklet gives information about oil dispersion bath therapy, The therapeutic technique is described and a list of dispersion oils and their specific uses is included. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 22 pp.
The anthroposophical approach to the treatment of cancer
- Heiligtag Hans-Richard (Editor): Anthroposophical Medicine and Therapies for Cancer. Eighteen articles by anthroposophical therapists. Therapeutic approach to the anthroposophically oriented Lukas Clinic Arlesheim, Switzerland, which has placed its emphasis an mistletoe therapy, although it also incorporates the proven healing methods of conventional medicine. Introduction to the healing effects of this unusual plant and the way it is applied. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, N.Y, USA, 85 pp.
- Leroi Rita: An Anthroposophical Approach to Cancer. Six lectures. The broadest possible view of cancer is one which includes spiritual questions of destiny relative to individual and social evolution. In this advanced anthroposophical material, Dr. Leroi covers cancer as an aid of destiny, the treatment of the cancer patient, mistletoe treatments of cancer and the Lukas Clinic in Arlesheim, Switzerland.Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY 1974, USA, 45 pp.
- Leroi Rita: Illness and Healing in the Context of Cosmic Evolution. Mistletoe in the treatment of cancer.Temple Lodge Press, GB, 1988, 88 pp.
- Lorenz Friedrich: Cancer: A Mandate to Humanity. Here is a view of cancer which focuses not on the illness, but on the human being who is going through the experience. It discusses cancer as a disease of our time and highlights the limitations of the popular "cellular view" of the sickness as a "catastrophe of form". Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 39 pp,
Educational and social therapy
- König Karl: Being Human, Diagnosis in Curative Education. Anthroposophic Press Hudson, NY, USA, 120 pp.
- König Karl: In Need of Special Understanding. For workers in communities for adults with challenges. Camphill Press, available to Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 201 pp,
- König Karl: The First Three Years of the Child. Walking, talking, thinking: the three highest senses. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA. 136 pp.
- Pietzner Carlo: Questions of Destiny. Mental Retardation and Curative Education. Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 60p
- Weihs Thomas: Children in Need of Special Care. A basic and thorough introduction. Schocken, NY, USA, 182 pp.
Education and practical advices
- Glas Norbert: Conception, Birth and Early Childhood. N.Glas guides the parents from early pregnancy, when a mother may hear the call of the child wanting to be born, through the selfless devotion and enhanced spiritual awareness that should accompany pregnancy, and on to breastfeeding weaning, nutrition, discipline. play and the general education of the baby and pre-school child. Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 152 pp.
- Glas Norbert: Fulfillment of Old Age. (Trans: S.C. Easton): Glas discusses with warmth and candour the onset of the old age and various afflictions related to the changes in the physical body and senses that occur with the gradual decline in the life forces. Anthroposophic Press, Hudson NY, USA, 141 pp.
- Lievegoed Bernard: Phases of Childhood. Growing in body, soul and spirit. The psychological development of the child runs parallel to the physical and is at least as important. Examining the relationship of the child to the world around, Lievegoed describes the experience of the pre-school, school-child, and teenager in a clear and concise way. Floris Books, Edinburgh, GB, 206 pp
- Lievegoed Bernard: Phases: Crisis and Development in the Individual. Rudolf Steiner Press, London 1979.
- Lievegoed Bernard: Man on The Threshold. Hawthorn Press, Stroud, 1985.
- zur Linden Wilhelm: A Child is Born. Pregnancy, Birth, Early Childhood. (Trans: J. Collis): A guide to natural mothering: Pregnancy, birth, early childhood. Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB, 222 pp.
Basic textbook and lectures by Rudolf Steiner regarding anthroposophical medicine
- Steiner Rudolf, Wegman lta: "Extending Practical Medicine. - Fundamental Principles based on the Science of the Spirit". (Trans: A.R. Meuss). This work, written in a very condensed, almost meditative style, is a step towards revitalizing medical practice with the spiritual awareness that it once possessed. The intention is not to underrate the scientific and technological medicine of today, but to illumine it beyond its present materialistic outlook. Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB, 1996, 144 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: An Occult Physiology. Eight lectures, Prague, March 1911. From GA 128. Human spirituality and physiology; the organic planetary system. Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB.
- Steiner Rudolf: Introducing Anthroposophical Medicine (previously published as: Spiritual Science and Medicine). Twenty lectures to doctors. Dornach 21 March - 9 April 1920, GA 312. Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 1999, 300 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy. The second medical course. GA 313. Through spiritual science, Rudolf Steiner was able to extend the scientific knowledge of his day - in which he was well grounded - into new realms. In these advanced lectures, Dr. Steiner gives new insights into the processes of health and illness in the human organism, elaborating on the substances and processes which treat illness. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 140 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: Physiology and Therapeutics. Four lectures, Dornach October 7-9, 1920. From GA 314. Cancer and mental illness. Childhood illness and development. Building up and breaking down in metabolism. Birch leaves and birch bark as remedies. Phosphorus. Massage therapy. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 65 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine. (Four lectures, Stuttgart, October 16-28, 1922). From GA 314. What is the difference between natural science and spiritual science? These lectures are fundamental to the understanding of the anthroposophical approach to human illness and its treatment. The structure of the brain, breathing, metabolic, anabolic and catabolic processes; the threefold organization of the human being. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, USA, 86 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: Curative Eurythmy GA 315. Eight lectures Dornach, April 12-18, 1921, Stuttgart, October 28 1922. GA 315. Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB.
- Steiner Rudolf: Meditative contemplation and instructions for deepening the art of healing. Course for Young Doctors, GA 316. In addition: (GA 202: "The Bridge Lectures"). Meditative contemplation and instructions for deepening the art of healing were given in this course for medical students and young physicians. For R. Steiner, it was to be a course about the humanizing of medicine. Nowhere else does Rudolf Steiner give the kind and amount of meditative material to deepen a professional activity as he does in this course. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA, 1994, 266 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: Education for Special Needs. The Curative Education Course. (12 Lectures, Dornach 25 June to 7 July 1924) GA 317. Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB, 1998, 256 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: Pastoral Medicine. Eleven lectures, Dornach, September 8-18, 1924. Given to priests and doctors. GA 318. Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY, USA, 162 pp. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, USA 1987, 178 pp.
- Steiner Rudolf: The Invisible Man within Us. (Lecture Dornach, February 11, 1923) From GA 221. Consider the embryonic membranes which nourish and protect the embryo before birth; the role of the soul-spiritual forces in these organs at the time of birth. After birth they are cast off; but the forces inherent in them interpenetrate the human ego, astral, etheric, and physical bodies, and become what Steiner refers to as the invisible man within us. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, USA, 2002, 26 pp.
Kirjallisuutta saksaksi 
- Glöckler, M, Schürholz, J, Walker, M:Anthroposophische Medizin. Ein Weg zum Patienten.
Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 1993 - Kiene, H: Komplementärmedizin – Schulmedizin. Der Wissenschaftsstreit am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart 1994
- Steiner, R / Wegman, I: Grundlegendes für eine Erweiterung der Heilkunst nach geisteswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, Rudolf Steiner Verlag,Dornach 1991
- Husemann, F, / Wolff, O: Das Bild des Menschen als Grundlage der Heilkunst. Band I-III. Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 1991
- Fintelmann, V: Intuitive Medizin. Einführung in eine anthroposophisch ergänzte Medizin.Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart 1987
- Kienle, GS und Kiene H: Die Mistel in der Onkologie. Schattauer, Stuttgart, New York 2003.
- Tagungsband:Wissenschaftlicher Kongress, 13.-15. Juni 1997 am Goetheanum, Dornach. Der Merkurstab, 50.Jahrgang, Sonderheft Juni 1997
- Albonico, H-U: Häufigkeit fieberhafter Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter in der Vorgeschichte von Karzinom-Patienten.Der Merkurstab 1,S.1-19,1996 und Medical Hypotheses,51, 315-320,1998
- Stierlin, H / Grossarth-Maticek, R: Krebsrisiken – Überlebenschancen. Wie Körper, Seele und soziale Umwelt zusammenwirken. Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, Heidelberg 1998
- Kienle, G S: Der sogenannte Placeboeffekt. Illusion. Fakten. Realität. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart 1995
- Scheer, R: Grundlagen der Misteltherapie. Stand der Forschung. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart 1996
- G. Soldner, H.M. Stellmann: Individuelle Pädiatrie. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 2002
- Heusser, P: Probleme von Studiendesigns mit Randomisation, Verblindung und Placebogabe, in: Forsch Komplementärmed 1999;6:89-102
- Der Merkurstab – Beiträge zu einer Erweiterung der Heilkunst, Sonderheft, 2002 Diabetologie
- Der Merkurstab – Beiträge zu einer Erweiterung der Heilkunst, Sonderheft 2001 Rheumatologie
- Heusser, Peter (Hrsg.): Akademische Forschung in der Anthroposophischen Medizin. Peter Lang, Bern, 1999.
- Heusser, Peter: Kriterien zur Beurteilung des Nutzens von komplementärmedizinischen Methoden. Forschende Komplementärmedizin, Klassische Naturheilkunde 2001;8:14-23
- Heusser, Peter: Probleme von Studiendesigns mit Randomisation, Verblindung und Placebogabe. Forschende Komplementärmedizin 1999;6:89-102
- Kiene, Helmut: Komplementäre Methodenlehre. Cognition based medicine. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
- Kienle GS, Kiene H: Die Mistel in der Onkologie. Fakten und konzeptionelle Grundlagen. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse und Diskussionen im Kontext moderner Tumorimmunologie, klinischer Methodologie und aktueller Krebskonzepte. Schattauer, Stuttgart New York 2003
- Stumpf, C/Schietzel, M: Intrapleurale Instillation eines Extraktes aus Viscum album (L.) zur Behandlung maligner Pleuraergüsse. Tumordiagn. und Therapie 15, pp57-62, 1994.